The Wonder Bar is truly a wonder.
This bratwurst on a stick at the Iowa State Fair looks an awful lot like a corn dog.
When we heard about “bologna on a stick” – a long-standing favorite at the Iowa State Fair – we had all kinds of wild ideas about what it might be.
Pork Chop
The pork chop on a stick is a classic, iconic fair food at the Iowa State Fair for many, many years.
Veggie Dog
How does the Veggie Dog at the Iowa State Fair compare to its more brutal cousin, the Corn Dog? Jeff gives his unabashed opinion.
Fried Chicken On A Stick
Katrina and Randy try one of the simplest items at the Iowa State Fair – the humble, giant fried chicken on a stick.
Deep-Fried Snickers Bar
Katrina and Jeff try a deep fried Snickers Bar on a stick at the Iowa State Fair.
Fair Square
Katrina and Jeff give their take on this glorified Rice Krispy treat.
Is deep-frying a cupcake just gilding the lily? Find out what Katrina and Jeff think.
Hot Lips
What are hot lips? They’re what you end up with after eating this.
Teriyaki Beef
From one of the few Asian-themed food booths at the fair came this juicy, mouth-watering hunk o’ beef.
Peanut Butter Bar
Great in theory, the peanut butter bar left a bit to be desired for this duo.
Breakfast Lamb Sausage
Lamb: It’s not just for dinner anymore. It’s for breakfast too. Apparently.
Deep-Fried Pineapple
Deep-Fried Pineapple may sound weird, but Katrina & Jeff find it surprisingly appealing.
Deep-Fried Ho-Ho
Deep Fried Ho-Ho’s are the reason Hostess came back from the dead.
Dutch Letter
Just in time for Christmas, Randy & Katrina sample a popular pastry from Iowa’s Dutch community.
Turkey Tender
The darker side of turkey. We’re not sure where to begin with this one…
How to Eat a Turkey Leg
Happy Thanksgiving! Now, Randy will teach you how to properly devour that turkey leg.
Make Deep-Fried Pickle On A Stick
Learn how to make a spiralized deep-fried pickle on a stick with Jeff in the kitchen.
Nut Roll
Jeff and Katrina sample the Nut Roll on a Stick – and it’s not necessarily what you think.
Peanut Butter & Jelly
In honor of National Sandwich Day, Jeff examines a clever sandwich on a stick.
Egg On A Stick
In tribute to America’s egg farmers on #NationalFarmersDay, we bring you the egg on a stick from the Ag building.
Meatballs And Spaghetti On A Stick
In tribute to America’s egg farmers on #NationalFarmersDay, we bring you the egg on a stick from the Ag building.
Caramel Apple
We’re on iTunes now! Let’s celebrate with an apple – a classic caramel one, at that.
Cookie Dough Ball
If you like eating raw cookie dough, you’ll love this monstrosity.
Churro Waffles
Happy National Waffle Day! Inspired by the fair, we create a waffle-y concoction of our own.
Chocolate-Covered Cheesecake
Katrina & Jeff try the most popular offering at this unique booth at the Iowa State fair.
Chocolate-Dipped S’mores
Katrina & Jeff sample chocolate-dipped s’mores on a stick on this very special day.
Deep-Fried Milky Way
Randy & Katrina take their first foray into deep-fried candy bars – the Milky Way.
Jamón on a Stick
Randy & Katrina sample a wild assortment of jamón, Spain’s iconic cured hams.
Fried Cod Fritters
Randy & Katrina sample Spanish “pintxos” street food in Barcelona: Cod Fritters On A Stick.
Fried Cajun Cheese On A Stick
You’d think deep-fried cheese would be a little more satisfying than this. See J & K’s take.
Pancake Wrapped Turkey On A Stick
Randy learns you gotta hold your breath before you dig into this one.
Deep-Fried Twinkie On A Stick
There’s a serious disappearing act involved with deep-frying a twinkie, as Katrina & Jeff quickly discover.
Chocolate-Dipped Bacon on a Stick
Randy & Katrina sample chocolate-dipped bacon on a stick at the Iowa State Fair. “It’s like four slices of bacon in one.”